Marc Bronson

Marc Bronson

Hematology Review: Anemias

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Recommendation Rates for Physical Therapy, Lifestyle Counseling and Pain Medications for Managing Knee Osteoarthritis in Ambulatory Care Settings. Cross‐sectional Analysis of the National Ambulatory Care Survey (2007‐2015)

“In patients with KOA, PT and lifestyle counseling seem underutilized while pain medication use increased during the investigated timeframe. Variation in treatment choices were associated with non‐clinical factors. Future research is necessary to examine ways to improve PT and lifestyle…

Comparing targeted thrust manipulation with general thrust manipulation in patients with low back pain. A general approach is as effective as a specific one. A randomised controlled trial

“Our data suggest that targeting a manipulative thrust technique to a clinician-defined, specific level of the lumbar spine does not improve self-reported pain or disability levels. “Comparing targeted thrust manipulation with general thrust manipulation in patients with low back pain.…