Marc Bronson

Marc Bronson

Assessing the Change in Attitudes, Knowledge, and Perspectives of Medical Students Towards Chiropractic After an Educational Intervention

Assessing the Change in Attitudes, Knowledge, and Perspectives of Medical Students Towards Chiropractic After an Educational Intervention The attitudes and knowledge of medical students towards chiropractic improved immediately after a 1-hour educational intervention. Formally educating medical students on chiropractic may…

Differentiating Intraprofessional Attitudes Toward Paradigms in Health Care Delivery Among Chiropractic Factions: Results From a Randomly Sampled Survey

Differentiating Intraprofessional Attitudes Toward Paradigms in Health Care Delivery Among Chiropractic Factions: Results From a Randomly Sampled Survey Chiropractors holding unorthodox views may be identified based on response to specific beliefs that appear to align with unorthodox health practices. Despite…

Effect of Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy in the Attentive Performance of Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Effect of Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy in the Attentive Performance of Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Participants who received OMTh had greater improvement in Biancardi-Stroppa Test scores than participants who received conventional care only, suggesting that OMTh can potentially increase performances of…