Marc Bronson

Marc Bronson

Exercise treatment effect modifiers in persistent low back pain: an individual participant data meta-analysis of 3514 participants from 27 randomised controlled trials

Exercise treatment effect modifiers in persistent low back pain: an individual participant data meta-analysis of 3514 participants from 27 randomised controlled trials This study provides potentially useful information to help treat patients and design future studies of exercise interventions that…

Surgery, the ultimate placebo

#science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health #spinal health #musculoskeletal health #ethics #pain #function #disability #QOL #knowledgetranslation

Walking for mental health.

#science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health #spinal health #musculoskeletal health #ethics #pain #function #disability #QOL #knowledgetranslation

No better time to be a chiropractor.

Greg Kawchuk’s main messages at the ECU conference: 1: There’s no better time to be a chiropractor 2: Everyone recommends what we do 3: We are not alternative anymore Who would have thought 30 years ago, that every single new…

“Thirteen studies with a total of 1313 participants were included in the systematic review, and 12 studies with 977 participants in the meta-analysis. For most time-points prescriptive studies found manipulation to be superior to mobilization for both pain and disability.…