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Research Posts

Vertebral Artery Dissection Vertebral artery dissection (VAD) is a rare cause of stroke in the general population; however, represents one of the more common causes of stroke in patients younger than 45 years of age. Its signs and symptoms can be vague, and diagnosis can be elusive. [1][2][3] Spontaneous dissections have been reported. However, incidental […]
Effect of manual approaches with osteopathic modality on brain correlates of interoception: an fMRI study The results revealed that the OMT produced a distinct and specific reduction in BOLD response in specific brain areas related to interoception, i.e., bilateral insula, ACC, left striatum and rMFG. The observed trend across the three time points appears uncharacteristic. […]
Anatomical study and clinical significance of the rami communicantes between cervicothoracic ganglion and brachial plexus Knowledge about the general distribution and individual variations of the rami communicantes between CTG and BP will be useful toward studies involving the inference of sympathetic nerve stimulation of the upper limbs and could be important for surgeons who perform […]
Consequences of physical inactivity in older adults: A systematic review of reviews and meta‐analyses This review of reviews provides a comprehensive and systematic overview of epidemiological evidence from previously conducted research to assess the associations of physical activity with physical and mental health outcomes in older adults. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient […]
Baseline Characteristics May Help Indicate the Best Choice of Health Care Provider for Back Pain Patients in Primary Care: Results From a Prospective Cohort Study. Known prognostic factors related differently to outcomes in the 2 settings, suggesting that some subgroups of patients might benefit more from one setting than the other. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research […]
Professionalism: an ideal to be sustained : The ideal of the professional spans three centuries, originating in the 19th century. During the 20th century, some of the values and obligations of the profession were neglected and serious questions were posed as to whether professionalism constituted a proper basis for the organisation of the delivery of […]
The immediate effect of lumbopelvic manipulation on knee pain, knee position sense and balance in patients with patellofemoral pain: a randomized controlled trial A single session of LPM immediately improved balance control,knee JPS and pain in patients diagnosed with PFP. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health #spinal […]
Prevalence of lumbar spinal stenosis in general and clinical populations: a systematic review and meta‑analysis The pooled prevalence estimates of LSS with a clinical diagnostic criterion were 11% in the general population and ranged from 25 to 39% in clinical populations. The prevalence of radiological signs of LSS was 11% in asymptomatic populations, 38% in […]
Baseline Characteristics May Help Indicate the Best Choice of Health Care Provider for Back Pain Patients in Primary Care: Results From a Prospective Cohort Study. Known prognostic factors related differently to outcomes in the 2 settings, suggesting that some subgroups of patients might benefit more from one setting than the other. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research […]
A case of multiple Vertebrobasilar artery fenestration misdiagnosed as vertebral artery dissection The triple fenestration at vertebrobasilar artery with basilar tip artery aneurysm is extremely rare, and the fenestration at the V1 segment of vertebral artery was easily misdiagnosed as VAD due to the similar imaging morphology. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient […]
Gut microbiota mediates intermittent-fasting alleviation of diabetes-induced cognitive impairment Cognitive decline is one of the complications of type 2 diabetes (T2D). Intermittent fasting (IF) is a promising dietary intervention for alleviating T2D symptoms, but its protective effect on diabetes-driven cognitive dysfunction remains elusive. Here, we find that a 28-day IF regimen for diabetic mice improves […]
The safety of spinal manipulative therapy in children under 10 years: a rapid review The risk of moderate and severe adverse events is unknown in children treated with SMT. It is unclear whether SMT increases the risk of adverse events in children < 10 years. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public […]

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Research Posts

Diagnonistic Imaging of the Spine

Magnesium status and supplementation influence vitamin D status and metabolism: results from a randomized trial

Clinical prevalence and population incidence of serious pathologies among patients undergoing magnetic resonance imaging for low back pain

Chiropractic utilization in Ontario hits all time high as 26% of the population report seeing a chiropractor over the last 12 months.

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