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Research Posts

Paracetamol and pain: the kiloton problem Patients with pain regard only large reductions in that pain to be relevant, and large reductions in pain are accompanied by major improvements in associated symptoms, including quality of life, function and work, and lower costs to health services.19 ,20 We know that only a minority of patients have […]
The Influence of Subclinical Neck Pain on Neurophysiological and Behavioral Measures of Multisensory Integration This study presents novel ERP results showing evidence of multisensory differences in an SCNP population. There is limited knowledge on the long-term influence of neck pain on the multisensory system. This study supports previous findings, exemplifying slower RT in those who […]
Mechanical stimulation of cervical vertebrae modulates the discharge activity of ventral tegmental area neurons and dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens These findings demonstrate that MStim modulates neuron firing and DA release in the mesolimbic DA system through endogenous opioids and acetylcholine in the NAc. These findings demonstrate the need to explore more broadly the […]
Music-induced analgesia: how does music relieve pain? #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health #spinal health #musculoskeletal health #ethics #pain #function #disability #QOL #knowledgetranslation
Neck pain associated with clinical symptoms in dizzy patients—A cross‐sectional study Neck pain is associated with certain dizziness characteristics, increased severity of dizziness and increased physical impairment when compared with dizzy patients without neck pain. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health #spinal health #musculoskeletal health #ethics #pain […]
Validation of the recently developed Total Disability Index: a single measure of disability in neck and back pain patients The TDI is a valid and reliable disability measure in patients with back and/or neck pain and can capture each spine region’s contribution to total disability. The TDI could be a valuable method for total spine […]
Knee joint stabilization therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomized, controlled trial Author links open overlay panel Both exercise programs were highly effective in reducing activity limitations and pain and restoring knee stability in knee OA patients with instability of the knee. In knee OA patients suffering from knee instability, specific knee […]
Cervicogenic dizziness Results from clinical studies [3–6] do show promise for the use of manual approaches in the treatment of CGD. The underlying mechanism for the efficacy of manual therapy includes stimulation of cervical proprioceptors and normalization of the afferent input [14]. It must be emphasized that manual therapies should be applied with great caution […]
The use of the osteopathic correction for the combined treatment and rehabilitation of the patients presenting with the vertebral artery syndrome. The osteopathic manipulative treatment included in the combined therapy of patients with VAS based on the personified approach to the management of individual cases, detection and correction of each clinically significant functional disorder accompanying […]
Short-term Effects of Thoracic Spine Thrust Manipulation, Exercise, and Education in Individuals With Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial Three sessions of thoracic manipulation, education, and exercise did not result in improved outcomes when compared to a sham manipulation, education, and exercise in individuals with chronic LBP. Future studies are needed to identify the […]
Why does the adverse effect of inappropriate MRI for LBP vary by geographic location? An exploratory analysis State WC policies regulating selection of healthcare provider and structural factors affecting quality of medical care modify the impact of eMRI not adherent to guidelines. Targeted healthcare and work disability prevention interventions may improve work disability outcomes in […]
Characteristics of chiropractors who manage people aged 65 and older: A nationally representative sample of 1903 chiropractors The majority of chiropractors report often providing treatment to older people. Our findings call for more research to better understand older patient complaints that are common to chiropractic practice and the care provided by chiropractors for this patient […]

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Research Posts

Education is not something you can finish.

Paracetamol (Tylenol) is ineffective for acute low back pain even for patients who comply with treatment – says new study published in Pain (2019)

Chiropractors can help with 3 of the 4 most common types of chronic pain.

Jonathan Field, DC, PhD appointed Research Fellow at the University of Southhampton

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