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Research Posts

Strategies to combat medical misinformation on social media The sheer volume of medical information online can make it difficult to retrieve reliable, evidence-based information and distinguish medical fact from fiction. The multifaceted nature of medical misinformation means that we cannot expect any single intervention to solve the problem alone. Further research is urgently needed to […]
Atypical symptoms in patients with cervical spondylosis TDR, ACDF, and laminoplasty can equally alleviate the severity of atypical symptoms in patients with cervical spondylosis. This indicates that there may not be a neural network in the posterior longitudinal ligament that can be the cause of atypical symptoms in patients with cervical spondylosis. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic […]
Cervicogenic headache: too important to be left un-diagnosed: The present IHS criteria version is still probably not a safe basis for diagnosing CEH, although it represents an improvement from the previous IHS version. With the present CHISG criteria, the CEH diagnosis [8] may seem safer than e.g. the migraine diagnosis. It is advocated that the […]
Development of a core capability framework for qualified health professionals to optimise care for people with osteoarthritis: an OARSI initiative Experts agree that health professionals require an array of skills in person-centred approaches; assessment, investigation and diagnosis; management, interventions and prevention; and service and professional development to provide optimal care for people with OA. #science […]
Red flags for the early detection of spinal infection in back pain patients The current evidence surrounding red flags for spinal infection remains small, it was not possible to assess the diagnostic accuracy of red flags for spinal infection, as such, a descriptive review reporting the characteristics of those presenting with spinal infection was carried […]
The McMaster Pediatric Migraine Questionnaire: A Prospective Validation Study The McMaster Migraine Tool may be useful in diagnosing migraine in 5-12-year-old children, as it is readily completed and regarded as easy to use. Application of this tool could lead to expedited diagnosis and management of migraine. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered […]
Altered pressure pain thresholds and increased wind-up in adult patients with chronic back pain with a history of childhood maltreatment: a quantitative sensory testing study. Childhood Trauma Questionnaire subscores for emotional and sexual abuse were significantly higher in subjects with nsCLBP than in PCs. Compared with PCs, subjects with CM showed reduced pressure pain thresholds […]
Solutions for non-communicable disease prevention and control This new collection issue brings together a wide and diverse author group, to focus on key issues and suggest scalable solutions to accelerate the implementation of the high level commitments made in the three UN general assembly meetings. As this collection expands over time, it looks to cover […]
The Relationship Between Forward Head Posture and Neck Pain: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis This systematic review found that age played an important role as a confounding factor in the relation between FHP and neck pain. Also, the results showed that adults with neck pain show increased FHP when compared to asymptomatic adults and that […]
Trends in Intentional and Unintentional Opioid Overdose Deaths in the United States, 2000-2017 Increasing rates of opioid overdose and suicide deaths have fueled interest in defining the extent to which these 2 urgent public health problems are syndemic. Although it has been assumed that approximately one-quarter of opioid overdose deaths are intentional,1 prior research has […]
Professional barriers and facilitators to using stratified care approaches for managing non-specific low back pain: a qualitative study with Canadian physiotherapists and chiropractors Several shared and unique barriers and facilitators to using the stratified care approaches for non-specific LBP among Canadian physiotherapists and chiropractors were identified. Findings may help inform the design of tailored theory-based […]
Relating to safety in spinal manipulation, to the best of your knowledge, does your chiropractic institution have an adverse events reporting tool that collects this data in clinics or in students? #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health #spinal health #musculoskeletal health #ethics #pain #function #disability #QOL #knowledgetranslation

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Research Posts

A systematic review and meta-analysis of isolated abdominal aortic dissection

Effectiveness of Pacing as a Learned Strategy for People With Chronic Pain: A Systematic Review

New 3D scanner for foot problems

Heads up on sports related injuries

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