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Research Posts

Dietary and policy priorities to reduce the global crises of obesity and diabetes The food system is crucial for well-being, healthcare costs, health disparities and planetary sustainability. While diet influences many diseases, the global pandemics of obesity and T2DM are particularly notable. In less than a century, modern nutrition science has advanced remarkably, highlighting key […]
Association of Time Since Injury to the First Clinic Visit With Recovery Following Concussion Findings suggest that earlier initiation of clinical care is associated with faster recovery after concussion. Other factors may also influence recovery time. Further research is needed to determine the role of active rehabilitation and treatment strategies, as well as demographic factors, […]
What level of inflammation leads to structural damage in the sacroiliac joints? A Four-Year Magnetic Resonance Imaging Follow-up Study of Low Back Pain Patients While extensive SI joint BME was a strong independent predictor of development of structural lesions, limited and intermediate BME were mostly transient and only rarely evolved into extensive BME or structural […]
Chronic inflammation in the etiology of disease across the life span In the present Perspective we describe the multi-level mechanisms underlying SCI and several risk factors that promote this health-damaging phenotype, including infections, physical inactivity, poor diet, environmental and industrial toxicants and psychological stress. Furthermore, we suggest potential strategies for advancing the early diagnosis, prevention […]
Is chronic ankle instability associated with impaired muscle strength? Ankle, knee and hip muscle strength in individuals with chronic ankle instability: a systematic review with meta-analysis Individuals with CAI have ankle inversion and eversion strength deficits. Our data also point to differences between individuals with CAI and controls in hip and knee strength. These elements […]
Sustainability effects of motor control stabilisation exercises on pain and function in chronic nonspecific low back pain patients: A systematic review with meta-analysis and meta-regression From the 3,415 studies that were initially retrieved, 10 (2 CTs & 8 RCTs) on N = 1081 patients were included in the review and analyses. Low to moderate quality […]
Patients with newly diagnosed musculoskeletal pain are prescribed opioids more often than recommended The study also found that provider specialty was associated with treatment approaches. Internists, orthopedists, and neurologists were less likely than family practitioners to prescribe opioids. Oncologists, general surgeons, and orthopedists were also less likely to prescribe other types of medication compared to […]
The prognostic merit of self-reported triggers of recurrent low back pain: study protocol It is anticipated that outcome yielded from a study in which chronic recurrent LBP sufferers are followed for a longer period, and triggers are identified for every single episode, would offer more reliable preventive measures, management strategies and understanding of prognosis since […]
What Biopsychosocial Factors are Associated With Work Ability in Conservatively Managed Patients with Cervical Radiculopathy? A Cross‐Sectional Analysis Of 64 candidate biopsychosocial factors, NDI and FABQ‐W were the most significant multivariate correlates with work ability. FABQ‐W has a significant indirect association with baseline NDI scores and perceived work ability. This warrants future research trialing work‐related […]
Subjective recovery from pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain the first 6 weeks after delivery: a prospective longitudinal cohort study The prognosis following PGP in pregnancy is good and the majority of women recovered substantially from severe and moderate pregnancy-related PGP within 6 weeks after delivery. For many women, a subjective substantial recovery occurred within 2 weeks after […]
Infographic. Is running associated with a lower risk of all-cause, cardiovascular and cancer mortality, and is more better? A systematic review and meta-analysis "Infographic. Is running associated with a lower risk of all-cause, cardiovascular and cancer mortality, and is more better? A systematic review and meta-analysis". #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered […]
Neurotransmitter systems involved in placebo and nocebo effects in healthy participants and patients with chronic pain: a systematic review Overall, research has come a long way in specifying the neurotransmitter systems involved in placebo effects in healthy participants. Yet, evidence for the involvement of neurotransmitter systems in placebo effects in patients with chronic pain and […]

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Research Posts

Understanding sciatica: illness and treatment beliefs in a lumbar radicular pain population. A qualitative interview study

Fear of Falling Predicts Incidence of Functional Disability 2 Years Later: A Perspective From an International Cohort Stud

Injury prevention strategies specific to pre-elite athletes competing in Olympic and professional sports — A systematic review

Prognostic factors for progression of osteoarthritis of the hip: a systematic review

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