Evidence-Based Chiropractic Network

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Research Posts

Identifying spinal afferent (sensory) nerve endings that innervate the marrow cavity and periosteum using anterograde tracing Spinal afferent nerve endings did not express TH, and lacked the cylindrical morphology around blood vessels characteristic of sympathetic innervation. This approach to selective labeling of sensory nerve terminal endings will help to better identify how different sub‐populations of […]
Non-Invasive and Minimally Invasive Management of Low Back Disorders Quality evidence to guide the treatment of LBP is available. Detailed algorithms have been developed using the quality evidence where available, with supplementation with the Panel's expert opinions (ie, consensus guidance). Acute LBP is best initially treated with directional stretching, progressive aerobic exercise, management of kinesiophobia, […]
Risk factors for episodes of back pain in emerging adults. A systematic review There is moderate quality evidence that a history of back pain is a risk factor for back pain. There are inconsistent associations for age, sex, height, BMI, smoking and activity level. No associations were found between job satisfaction and structural imaging findings […]
Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived GABAergic interneuron transplants attenuate neuropathic pain "Neuropathic pain causes severe suffering, and most patients are resistant to current therapies. A core element of neuropathic pain is the loss of inhibitory tone in the spinal cord. Previous studies have shown that foetal GABAergic neuron precursors can provide relief from pain. However, […]
Knee Arthroscopic Surgery in Middle-Aged Patients With Meniscal Symptoms: A 5-Year Follow-up of a Prospective, Randomized Study Knee arthroscopic surgery combined with an exercise program provided no additional long-term benefit after 5 years compared with the exercise program alone in middle-aged patients with meniscal symptoms. Surgical outcomes were better in patients without mechanical symptoms than […]
How Radiology Is Rethinking Lead Aprons #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health #spinal health #musculoskeletal health #ethics #pain #function #disability #QOL #knowledgetranslation
Association Between Lumbopelvic Pain and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in Women: A Cross Sectional Study Our findings corroborate and extend recent research supporting the hypothesis that a high proportion of pelvic floor muscle dysfunction is present among women with lumbopelvic pain. Specifically, increased pelvic floor muscle pressure-pain sensitivity represented the most frequent characteristic, the clinical implications […]
Effects of in vivo fatigue-induced subchondral bone microdamage on the mechanical response of cartilage-bone under a single impact compression Results indicated that stiffness of cartilage-bone and those associated with the SCB decreased with increasing grade of damage. Whole specimen stiffness also increased, and relative energy loss decreased with higher TMD, whereas bone volume fraction of […]
Withdrawal Notice: Updated Understanding of the Degenerative Disc Diseases - Causes Versus Effects - Treatments, Studies and Hypothesis "Biological transformations controlled by the mind can be applied by men and women in order to improve their quality of life and cure degenerative disc diseases and chronic inflammations illnesses." #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based […]
Normative Responses to Clinical Tests for Cervicogenic Dizziness: Clinical Cervical Torsion Test and Head-Neck Differentiation Test Confirmation of the high specificity of these clinical tests with the method used in this study to conduct and interpret the results will allow future research to determine the sensitivity of these clinical measures in a population with CGD […]
Response of the autonomic activity to stress provocation in females with cervicogenic headache compared to asymptomatic controls: a cross-sectional study Females with episodic cervicogenic headache reacted less to cognitive stress provocation. Recuperation after such provocation was absent. More research is needed to associate autonomous responses with a possible chronification process. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education […]
A Systematic Review of the Diagnostic Criteria Used to Select Participants in Randomised Controlled Trials of Interventions Used to Treat Cervicogenic Headache This systematic review evidences the heterogeneity in the clinical characteristics used to diagnose CeH in participants recruited in randomized controlled trials. It raises a significant concern about the usefulness of currently available randomized […]

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Research Posts

Low back pain and its relationship with sitting behaviour among sedentary office workers

Triple Aim

Clinical Course of Motor Deficits from Lumbosacral Radiculopathy Due to Disk Herniation

Canadians with chronic pain to test app to manage symptoms

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