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Research Posts

The Effectiveness of Manual Therapy Versus Surgery on Self-reported Function, Cervical Range of Motion, and Pinch Grip Force in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Manual therapy and surgery had similar effectiveness for improving self-reported function, symptom severity, and pinch-tip grip force on the symptomatic hand in women with CTS. Neither manual therapy nor […]
People With Chronic Neck Pain Walk With a Stiffer Spine. People with chronic neck pain walk with reduced trunk rotation, especially when challenged by walking with their head positioned in rotation. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health #spinal health #musculoskeletal health #ethics #pain #function #disability #QOL #knowledgetranslation
Effect of Experimentally-Induced Trunk Muscular Tensions on the Sit-to-Stand Task Performance and Associated Postural Adjustments. Results showed that beyond a given level, higher muscular tension along the trunk results in longer APAs, but with a stable duration of the focal movement. In addition, no significant variation of APAs and FM parameters was found between bilateral […]
Is this back pain killing me? All-cause and cardiovascular-specific mortality in older Danish twins with spinal pain. Older people reporting spinal pain have 13% increased risk of mortality per years lived but the connection is not causal. We found no association between spinal pain and cardiovascular-specific mortality. The influence of shared familial factors is unlikely. […]
Payer Type and Low-Value Care: Comparing Choosing Wisely Services across Commercial and Medicare Populations. Low-value care appears driven by factors unrelated to payer type or anticipated reimbursement. These findings suggest the influence of local practice patterns on care without meaningful discrimination by payer type. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative […]
Ablation of the basivertebral nerve for treatment of back pain: a clinical study. Ablation of the BVN for the treatment of chronic lumbar back pain significantly improves patients' self-reported outcome early in the follow-up period; the improvement persisted throughout the 1-year study period. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation […]
Trunk Muscle Characteristics of the Multifidi, Erector Spinae, Psoas, and Quadratus Lumborum in Older Adults With and Without Chronic Low Back Pain. Up to 54% of older adult trunk muscle CSA may be fat. Women have smaller muscles and greater intramuscular fat (at lower spinal levels) than men. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based […]
Diazepam Is No Better Than Placebo When Added to Naproxen for Acute Low Back Pain. Among ED patients with acute, nontraumatic, nonradicular low back pain, naproxen+diazepam did not improve functional outcomes or pain compared with naproxen+placebo 1 week and 3 months after ED discharge. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation […]
Os acromiale: frequency and a review of 726 shoulder MRI. Os acromiale is an anomaly still underdiagnosed. It is important to be recognized because it allows to make an accurate pre-surgical plan. To make a correct diagnosis, axial MRI cut or TC is necessary. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative […]
Pronation and supination of the hand: Anatomy and biomechanics. Proper functioning of the hand relies on its capacity to rotate and point the palm upward (i.e. supination) or downward (i.e. pronation) when standing up with the elbow in 90° flexion. Hand rotation is possible because of forearm rotation and also rotation of the whole upper […]
Pelvic posture and kinematics in femoroacetabular impingement: a systematic review. FAI patients, pelvic posture and kinematics are sometimes an expression of compensatory mechanisms developed to reduce pain and discomfort, and sometimes an expression of paradoxical responses that further enhance the impingement pathomechanism. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public […]
High-density EMG Reveals Novel Evidence of Altered Masseter Muscle Activity During Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Bilateral Jaw Clenching Tasks in People With Chronic Nonspecific Neck Pain. People with chronic neck pain display increased activation and altered distribution of masseter muscle activity during a jaw-clenching coordination task. These results provide a greater appreciation of how secondary orofacial […]

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Research Posts

Association between thigh muscle strength four years after partial meniscectomy and radiographic features of osteoarthritis 11 years later

Botulinum Toxin Type A for Painful Temporomandibular Disorders: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

2019 Best Practices Guideline for Chiropractors

Effects of Hip Abductor Muscles Exercises on Pain and Function in Patients With Patellofemoral Pain A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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