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Research Posts

Quantification of Continuous in Vivo Flexion-Extension Kinematics and Intervertebral Strains L4-L5 exhibited the largest anterior and posterior margin strains (29 and 65%, respectively). Strains in the disc during in vivo lumbar flexion are due to both angular rotation and linear translation. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health […]
Does Foot Placement Affect the Reliability of Static Foot Posture Measurements? Based on these findings, we recommend that clinicians perform measurements of static foot posture using the same standing foot placement between sessions to ensure a high level of measurement consistency. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health […]
Comparative Short-Term Effects of Two Thoracic Spinal Manipulation Techniques in Subjects With Chronic Mechanical Neck Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial Both maneuvers improved neck mobility and mechanosensitivity and reduced pain in the short term. No major or clinical differences were found between the groups. In the between-groups comparison slightly better results were observed in the […]
Athletes' performance declines following contract years A professor has determined that the contract year performance boost is real, but they caution team managers and coaches that it might be followed by a post-contract performance crash -- a two-year pattern they call the "contract year syndrome." #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional […]
Immediate Effects of Spinal Manipulation on Nitric Oxide, Substance P and Pain Perception In conclusion, mechanical stimulus provided by cervical manipulation increases substance P levels and pressure pain threshold but does not change nitric oxide concentrations. Part of the hypoalgesic effect of spinal manipulation may be due to the action of substance P. #science #chiropractor […]
Mamillo-accessory Notch and Foramen: Distribution Patterns and Correlation With Superior Lumbar Facet Structure This study may help to understand if MAN and MAF related dorsal rami entrapment neuropathies arise merely due to osteoarthritic ossification of the MAL or could also be accounted for by facet dimensions or degree of MP-facet fusions that abut close to […]
The use of “stabilization exercises” to affect neuromuscular control in the lumbopelvic region: a narrative review Evidence-based health care requires clinicians to use the best available evidence to assist in their clinical deci-sion making. It is suggested that the two clinical protocols described here may be used in clinical practice; however, clinicians need to be […]
Muscle-controlling neurons know when they mess up, according to research Whether it is playing a piano sonata or acing a tennis serve, the brain needs to orchestrate precise, coordinated control over the body's many muscles. Moreover, there needs to be some kind of feedback from the senses should any of those movements go wrong. A […]
Birch Helps Wounds Heal Faster In this way, the substances from the birch cause keratinocytes – the most common type of cell in the outermost layer of skin – to migrate more quickly into the wound and close it. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health #spinal health […]
Changes in Pain Perception After Pelvis Manipulation in Women With Primary Dysmenorrhea: A Randomized Controlled Trial The bilateral GPM technique improves in a short term the self-perceived low back pelvic pain, the PPT in both SIJs, and the serotonin levels in women with PD. It shows no significant differences with a sham intervention in catecholamines […]
Inflammation of the Thoracolumbar Fascia Excites and Sensitizes Rat Dorsal Horn Neurons One of the prominent findings was the appearance of new receptive fields in deep tissues of the hindlimb. Together with the expansion of the spinal target region of fascia afferents into the segment L3, the appearance of new receptive fields is a possible […]
The Relevance of Scapular Dysfunction in Neck Pain: A Brief Commentary Though our understanding of motor disorders and mechanical neck pain has advanced, the role of scapular dysfunction in mechanical neck pain remains enigmatic. The biomechanical interdependence between the neck and scapula and the potentially deleterious consequences of scapular dysfunction in the cervical region are […]

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Research Posts

Non-medical factors significantly influence the length of hospital stay after surgery for degenerative spine disorders

Dietary saturated fat intake and risk of stroke: Systematic review and dose–response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies

VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline: Diagnosis and Treatment of Low Back Pain

Does Integrative Medicine Reduce Prescribed Opioid Use for Chronic Pain? A Systematic Literature Review

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