Evidence-Based Chiropractic Network

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Research Posts

In Vitro Biomechanical Evaluation of Single Impulse and Repetitive Mechanical Shockwave Devices Utilized for Spinal Manipulative Therapy Although controlled clinical trials are needed to determine the correlation between thrust profile and clinical outcome, already ongoing clinical studies indicate an improved patient satisfaction due to reduced treatment pain when devices are used with a thrust characteristic […]
Isometric Torso Muscle Endurance Profiles in Adolescents Aged 15-18: Normative Values for Age and Gender Differences Males had higher lateral torso endurance than females. Adolescents in general demonstrate their peak lifetime endurance as they appear more endurable than children and comparable adult groups. These data of endurance times, their ratios and percentiles in healthy normal […]
Outcomes Are Not Different for Patient-Matched Versus Nonmatched Treatment in Subjects With Chronic Recurrent Low Back Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial Providing a matched treatment based on either the Treatment-Based Classification or the Movement System Impairment classification schema did not improve treatment outcomes compared with an unmatched treatment for patients with chronic LBP, except on […]
Self-reported Musculoskeletal Pain Predicts Long-Term Increase in General Health Care Use: A Population-Based Cohort Study With 20-year Follow-Up Self-report of musculoskeletal pain reported within the past two weeks predicts a statistically significant long-term increase in general use of health care services in both the primary and the secondary health care sector. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research […]
Is Exercise Effective for the Management of Neck Pain and Associated Disorders or Whiplash-Associated Disorders? A Systematic Review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration We found evidence that supervised qigong, Iyengar yoga, and combined programs including strengthening, range of motion, and flexibility are effective for the management of persistent neck pain. […]
Core Stability Exercises for Low Back Pain in Athletes: A Systematic Review of the Literature The quantity and quality of literature on the use of core stability exercises for treating LBP in athletes is low. The existing evidence has been conducted on small and heterogeneous study populations using interventions that vary drastically with only mixed […]
Comparing Lumbo-Pelvic Kinematics in People With and Without Back Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis On average, people with LBP have reduced lumbar ROM and proprioception, and move more slowly compared to people without LBP. Whether these deficits exist prior to LBP onset is unknown. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional […]
Prevalence of Gluteus Medius Weakness in People With Chronic Low Back Pain Compared to Healthy Controls Gluteus medius weakness and gluteal muscle tenderness are common symptoms in people with chronic non-specific LBP. Future investigations should validate these findings with quantitative measures as well as investigate the effect of gluteus medius strengthening in people with LBP. […]
Vertebral Artery Dissection in Evolution Found During Chiropractic Examination This case illustrates the importance for all healthcare providers who see patients with neck pain and headache to be attentive to the symptomatic presentation of possible VAD in progress. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health #spinal health #musculoskeletal […]
Risk of Stroke After Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation in Medicare B Beneficiaries Aged 66 to 99 Years With Neck Pain Among Medicare B beneficiaries aged 66 to 99 years with neck pain, incidence of vertebrobasilar stroke was extremely low. Small differences in risk between patients who saw a chiropractor and those who saw a primary care […]
Hip Muscle Strength Predicts Noncontact Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury in Male and Female Athletes: A Prospective Study Measures of preseason isometric hip abduction and external rotation strength independently predicted future noncontact ACL injury status in competitive athletes. The study data suggest that screening procedures to assess ACL injury risk should include an assessment of isometric […]
Neck Muscle Fatigue Alters the Cervical Flexion Relaxation Ratio in Sub-Clinical Neck Pain Patients Individuals with mild to moderate neck pain have significant differences in their neuromuscular control relative to controls, experienced myoelectric fatigue with fewer repetitions in a shorter time, had a lower cervical flexion relaxation ratio at baseline and had an inability to […]

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Research Posts

Should we abandon positional testing for vertebrobasilar insufficiency?

The Influence of a Positive Empathetic Interaction on Conditioned Pain Modulation and Manipulation Induced Analgesia in People with Lateral Epicondylalgia

Rehabilitation Is a Global Health Priority

Recognizing and Effectively Managing Hypermobility-Related Conditions.

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