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Research Posts

Importance of the Type of Provider Seen to Begin Health Care for a New Episode Low Back Pain: Associations With Future Utilization and Costs Entry setting for LBP was associated with future health care utilization and costs. Consideration of where patients chose to enter care may be a strategy to improve outcomes and reduce costs. […]
The Addition of Upper Cervical Manipulative Therapy in the Treatment of Patients With Fibromyalgia: A Randomized Controlled Trial The general linear model with repeated measures indicated a significant group × time effect in favor of the experimental group on the measures of 3D postural parameters (P < .0005), FIQ (P < .0005), PCS (P < […]
Clinical examination findings as prognostic factors in low back pain: a systematic review of the literature For most clinical tests in LBP there is not consistent evidence for an association with outcome. Centralization and non-organic signs are exceptions from that. None of the other clinical tests have been investigated in confirmatory studies and study quality […]
Pain Characteristics of Adolescent Spinal Pain Studies on adolescent spinal pain should report data on pain frequency, intensity and localization. Adolescents who present with pain in more than one spinal area or report frequent pain should be followed carefully. Reduced balance with visual deprivation might be a physical indicator of a serious back problem. #science […]
Regional Supply of Chiropractic Care and Visits to Primary Care Physicians for Back and Neck Pain Greater availability of chiropractic care in some areas may be offsetting PCP services for back and/or neck pain among older adults. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health #spinal health #musculoskeletal health […]
Strong Opioids for Noncancer Pain Due to Musculoskeletal Diseases: Not More Effective Than Acetaminophen or NSAIDs Healthcare providers often overestimate the efficacy of step III analgesics, despite pain score decreases of only 0.8 to 1.2 points. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health #spinal health #musculoskeletal health #ethics […]
Researchers Find Missing Link Between the Brain and Immune System "Kevin Lee, PhD, chairman of the UVA Department of Neuroscience, described his reaction to the discovery by Kipnis’ lab: “The first time these guys showed me the basic result, I just said one sentence: ‘They’ll have to change the textbooks.’ There has never been a […]
Explainer: what is pain and what is happening when we feel it? It may be old news (24h) but I would be remiss not to share with the group a new understanding and conversation about pain and its management in the 21st century. If you don't know who Professor Lorimer Moseley and have no clue about […]
Does It Matter Which Exercise? A Randomized Control Trial of Exercise for Low Back Pain Consistent with prior evidence, a standardized mechanical assessment identified a large subgroup of LBP patients with a DP. Regardless of subjects' direction of preference, the response to contrasting exercise prescriptions was significantly different: exercises matching subjects' DP significantly and rapidly […]
The Quality of Placebos Used in Randomized, Controlled Trials of Lumbar and Pelvic Joint Thrust Manipulation-A Systematic Review Imperfect placebos are ubiquitous in clinical trials of LP-SMT, and few trials have assessed for successful subject blinding or balanced expectations of treatment success between active and control group subjects. There is thus a strong potential for […]
Joint Mobilization and Manipulation for the Equine Athlete Joint mobilization and manipulation provide important diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for addressing musculoskeletal issues in veterinary medicine. Soft tissue and joint mobilization are used to assess the quality and quantity of joint range of motion and as a primary means of treating musculoskeletal disorders. Spinal manipulation was […]
The Impact of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Clinical Practice for Pain: A Systematic Review Due to the poor quality, lack of generalisability and heterogeneity of these studies, it is not possible to provide a comprehensive understanding of how PROMs may impact clinical treatment of non-malignant pain. The literature suggests that PROMs enable pain assessment, decision-making, […]

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Research Posts

Exercise-induced muscle damage on the contractile properties of the lumbar paraspinal muscles: a laser displacement mechanomyographic approach

It is time to move beyond ‘body region silos’ to manage musculoskeletal pain: five actions to change clinical practice

Functional Anatomy of the Spinal Cord

Clinical efficacy of platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of lateral epicondylitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled clinical trials.

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