Evidence-Based Chiropractic Network

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Research Posts

Spondylolysis in Young Athletes: An Overview Emphasizing Nonoperative Management Stress injuries and fractures to the lumbar pars interarticularis are common sports-related injuries among young athletes. After diagnosis, an individualized PT rehabilitation program including education, activity modification, and a progressive course of specific exercise will lead to symptom resolution and return to athletic participation in the […]
Potential mechanisms for lumbar spinal stiffness change following spinal manipulative therapy: a scoping review This scoping review identified 7 themes put forward by authors to explain changes in spinal stiffness following SMT. Unfortunately, none of the studies provided data which would support the promotion of one theme over another. As a result, this review suggests […]
Changes in pressure pain threshold and temporal summation in rapid responders and non-rapid responders after lumbar spinal manipulation and sham: A secondary analysis in adults with low back pain Hypoalgesia in shoulder PPT occurred transiently in the rapid responders compared to the non-rapid responders. This may or may not contribute to symptomatic improvement after SMT […]
Stiffness After Total Knee Arthroplasty: Is It a Result of Spinal Deformity? Compensatory knee flexion because of sagittal spinal deformity may predispose to poor ROM after TKA. Patients with clinical suspicion should be worked up preoperatively and counseled accordingly. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health #spinal health […]
Best Evidence Rehabilitation for Chronic Pain Part 4: Neck Pain The results of this review found that the strongest treatment effects to date are those associated with exercise. Strengthening exercises of the neck and upper quadrant have a moderate effect on neck pain in the short-term. The evidence was of moderate quality at best, indicating […]
How Does Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament Progress in Conservatively Managed Patients? The incidence of OPLL progression in conservatively managed patients was 26.8% in vertical growth and 22.7% in thickness growth.Young age, mixed type, and C2-C3 involvement are risk factors of OPLL progression.Segments with morphology of crossing the segment, but not fusing (type 3), segmental […]
Association of Daily Step Count and Step Intensity With Mortality Among US Adults Based on a representative sample of US adults, a greater number of daily steps was significantly associated with lower all-cause mortality. There was no significant association between step intensity and mortality after adjusting for total steps per day. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research […]
Cognitive Functional Therapy for People with Nonspecific Persistent Low Back Pain in a Secondary Care Setting—A Propensity Matched, Case–Control Feasibility Study These findings support that CFT is beneficial for patients with NS-PLBP who are unresponsive to primary care interventions. Subsequent randomized controlled trials could incorporate booster sessions, which may result in larger effects at 12-month […]
Low Back Pain in 2020: New Frontiers and Old Limits of Our Understanding. An Overview of the State of the Art From a Rehabilitation Perspective While we recognize the potential of basic science advances, there is an immediate need for more translational rehabilitation research, as well as studies focused on the effectiveness of rehabilitation approaches. […]
The compelling link between physical activity and the body's defense system The future of exercise immunology will take advantage of advances in mass spectrometry and genetic testing technology, with increased utilization of metabolomics, proteomics, lipidomics, microbiome characterization, and genomics. Use of these system-wide approaches will provide new insights on the interactions between exercise, nutrition, and […]
What Type of Exercise Is Most Effective for People With Knee Osteoarthritis and Co-Morbid Obesity?: The TARGET Randomized Controlled Trial Both exercise types similarly improved primary outcomes of pain and function and can be recommended for people with knee OA and obesity. WB exercise may be preferred given fewer adverse events and potential additional benefits […]
Global, regional, and national burden of neck pain in the general population, 1990-2017: systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017 Neck pain is a serious public health problem in the general population, with the highest burden in Norway, Finland, and Denmark. Increasing population awareness about risk factors and preventive strategies for neck […]

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Research Posts

The Nordic Maintenance Care Program:Does psychological profile modify the treatment effect of a preventive manual therapy intervention?A secondary analysis of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial

Medicine As A Moral Practice: Reconsidering The Role Of Moral Agency In The Patient-physician Relationship

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease: Are There Benefits?

The Spine Functional Index: development and clinimetric validation of a new whole-spine functional outcome measure

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