Disruptions of Awake Glutamate Signaling in Two Models of Migraine Glutamate imaging confirms the FHM2 mutation alters glutamate signaling during cortical processing and uncovers a non‐canonical form of glutamate release in FHM2 and CSD. The occurrence of plumes in both a genetic and a physiological model of migraine suggests a broader relevance to the disorder, […]
The potential dangers of neck manipulation & risk for dissection and devastating stroke: An illustrative case & review of the literature High velocity thrust manipulation of the cervical spine places the carotid and vertebral arteries at risk of dissection. Even with early diagnosis, thrombus occlusion and subsequent infarction can lead to serious adverse outcomes. We […]
The five-repetition sit-to-stand test: evaluation of a simple and objective tool for the assessment of degenerative pathologies of the lumbar spine The 5R-STS test is a simple and effective tool to describe objective functional impairment. A patient able to perform the test in 10.4 seconds can be considered to have no relevant objective functional impairment. […]
Prevalence of Low Back Pain, Pelvic Girdle Pain, and Combination Pain in a Pregnant Ontario Population The current study demonstrates that 76% of sampled women experienced pregnancy-related back pain and the prevalence of site-specific pain (LBP, PGP, and Combo Pain) increases with increased gestation. Risk factors include advanced GA and experiencing both types of pain […]
Cervical Intervertebral Disc Degeneration Contributes to Dizziness: A Clinical and Immunohistochemical Study Current clinical and immunohistochemical studies strongly suggest that chronic neck pain and intractable dizziness in this series of patients stem from the degenerative cervical discs. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health #spinal health #musculoskeletal health […]
Do People With Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Have Impaired Motor Imagery? A Meta-analytical Systematic Review of the Left/Right Judgment Task This review synthesizes evidence of altered motor imagery performance using the LRJT across chronic musculoskeletal pain conditions. Consistent evidence was found for altered motor imagery performance in peripheral pain conditions, but evidence was less consistent for […]
Psychological Factors and the Development of Chronic Whiplash-associated Disorder(s): A Systematic Review Poor expectations of recovery, posttraumatic stress symptoms and passive coping emerged as the most consistent prognostic factors of chronic neck pain and/or disability after a whiplash injury. Anxiety, travel anxiety, depression, personality, precollision distress, general psychological distress, and avoidance behavior were not associated […]
Beneficial Intervertebral Disc and Muscle Adaptations in High-Volume Road Cyclists Despite previous studies reporting higher than average prevalence of back pain in cyclists, the high-volume road cyclists in our cohort showed no anatomical or functional deficiency in spinal structures. By contrast, we found evidence for beneficial adaptations to the IVD and psoas muscles in high-volume […]
Immediate Effects of Thoracic Spinal Manipulation on Pulmonary Function in Stroke Patients: A Preliminary Study The pulmonary function values for patients in the TSM group were significantly enhanced with no significant improvement in maximum voluntary ventilation and residual volume. Mechanical factors may be responsible for the improved pulmonary function in the TSM group. #science #chiropractor […]
Tidemark Avulsions Are a Predominant Form of Endplate Irregularity This study provides histologic basis for a system to classify focal endplate irregularities. Included is a previously unidentified but prevalent finding of tidemark avulsions, which are visible with both histology and magnetic resonance imaging. These observations will help clinicians better organize patients into meaningful groups to […]
Characteristics of Chiropractic Patients Being Treated for Chronic Low Back and Neck Pain Given the prevalence of CLBP and CNP, the need to find effective nonpharmacologic alternatives for chronic pain, and the satisfaction these patients found with their care, further study of these patients is worthwhile. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered […]
Opioid, amphetamine, and cocaine-induced deaths in Australia: August 2018 Opioid deaths Down Under, published by University of NSW National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre using Australian Bureau of Statistics data. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health #spinal health #musculoskeletal health #ethics #pain #function #disability #QOL #knowledgetranslation
Predictive Validity of the STarT Back Tool for Risk of Persistent Disabling Back Pain in a U.S. Primary Care Setting The STarT Back risk groups successfully separated people with back pain into distinct categories of risk for persistent disabling back pain at 6-month follow-up in U.S. primary care. These results were very similar to those […]
The Impact of Physical Activity Level on the Short- And Long-Term Pain Relief From Supervised Exercise Therapy and Education: A Study of 12,796 Danish Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis In patients with knee OA, similar and persistent long-term pain relief was found from supervised exercise therapy and education regardless of the initial physical activity level. Patients […]
Low back pain: Can we mitigate the inadvertent psycho-behavioural harms of spinal imaging? Counterintuitively, imaging for NSLBP has frequently been found to be associated with adverse outcomes, such as detrimental effects on disability, healthcare costs and sense of wellbeing. By contrast, patients who receive high-quality information regarding their clinical presentation without imaging – and as […]
Higher Habitual Dietary Caffeine Consumption Is Related to Lower Experimental Pain Sensitivity in a Community-Based Sample Results of this study completed with community-dwelling adults revealed that individuals who habitually consume greater amounts of caffeine as part of their daily diets demonstrate diminished sensitivity to painful stimuli in a laboratory setting. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education […]
Effectiveness of Chiropractic Maintenance Care The result show that -patients on regular preventive care for recurrent and persistent low back pain had 13 fewer days of bothersome pain compared to patients who were treated only when they experienced a relapse of pain. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public […]
Difference Between Subjects in Early Chronic Phase of Low Back Pain With and Without Neuropathic Component: Observational Cross-Sectional Study Chronic low back pain subjects with neuropathic pain were more painful and disabled, had lower motor and sensory scores, and lower relative thickness change of transversal abdominal muscle comparing to the low back pain group without […]
Influence of Family History on Prognosis of Spinal Pain and the Role of Leisure Time Physical Activity and Body Mass Index: A Prospective Study Using Family-Linkage Data From the Norwegian HUNT Study Offspring with chronic spinal pain are less likely to recover if they have parents with chronic spinal pain, particularly if offspring are overweight/obese. […]
Group and Individual-level Change on Health-related Quality of Life in Chiropractic Patients With Chronic Low Back or Neck Pain Chiropractic care was associated with significant group-level improvement in health-related quality of life over time, especially in pain. But only a minority of the individuals in the sample got significantly better ("responders"). This study suggests some […]
The Management of Common Recurrent Headaches by Chiropractors: A Descriptive Analysis of a Nationally Representative Survey Headache patients make up a substantial proportion of chiropractic caseload. The majority of chiropractors managing headache engage in headache diagnosis and interdisciplinary patient management. More research information is needed to understand the headache types and level of headache chronicity […]
Spinal Manipulative Therapy Effects in Autonomic Regulation and Exercise Performance in Recreational Healthy Athletes: A Randomized Controlled Trial A single pre-exercise SMT session induced an acute shift toward parasympathetic dominance and slightly impaired performance in recreational healthy athletes. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health #spinal health #musculoskeletal […]
Endplate Lesions in the Lumbar Spine: A Novel MRI-based Classification Scheme and Epidemiology in Low Back Pain Patients Endplate lesions were detected, classified with a novel scheme and analysed in a large population of patients suffering from low back pain based on MRI images. The reliability of the novel classification system was demonstrated. #science #chiropractor […]
The Effects of Selective Pilates Versus Extension-Based Exercises on Rehabilitation of Low Back Pain It is estimated that core muscles activation and improving lumbopelvic rhythm in SP training may play a role in decreasing pain and physical disability in chronic LBP patients. Further high-quality studies are required to investigate the details of this mechanism. #science […]
Spinal Manipulative Therapy Effects in Autonomic Regulation and Exercise Performance in Recreational Healthy Athletes: A Randomized Controlled Trial A single pre-exercise SMT session induced an acute shift toward parasympathetic dominance and slightly impaired performance in recreational healthy athletes. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health #spinal health #musculoskeletal […]
Absent and Discordant Electronic Health Record Documentation of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Cancer Care Most patients with cancer use CAM after diagnosis, yet EHR documentation is complete for very few. Oncologists should inquire about, document, and discuss CAM benefits and harm or refer patients to CAM specialists. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based […]
Zygapophyseal Joint Orientation and Facet Tropism and Their Association With Lumbar Disc Prolapse Our results confirm the existence of a significant association between lumbar IVDP and FT; however, a causal relationship could not be ascertained. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health #spinal health #musculoskeletal health #ethics #pain […]
Association of Back Pain With All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality Among Older Women: A Cohort Study Frequent persistent back pain was associated with increased mortality in older women. Much of this association was mediated by disability. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health #spinal health #musculoskeletal health #ethics #pain […]
Changes in pain knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of osteopathy students after completing a clinically focused pain education module There was a significant improvement in NPQ score after the 12 week clinically-focused pain module. The HC-PAIRS result was paradoxical and may reflect issues with the module design or the measurement tool. The module duration is longer […]
Degenerative findings on MRI of the cervical spine: an inter- and intra-rater reliability study The present classifications for some of the most common cervical degenerative findings yielded mainly substantial inter-rater reliability estimates and substantial to almost perfect intra-rater reliability estimates. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health #spinal […]
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Research Posts
Cervical and thoracic intervertebral disc hydration increases with recumbency: a study in 101 healthy volunteers.
Abstracts of Low Back Pain Trials Are Poorly Reported, Contain Spin of Information, and Are Inconsistent With the Full Text: An Overview Study