Research Posts

Recurrent Stroke in a Child With Atlantoaxial Instability Following Chiropractic Manipulation #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health #spinal health #musculoskeletal health #ethics #pain #function #disability #QOL #knowledgetranslation
Neck and shoulder pain among elementary school students: prevalence and its risk factors The elementary school students reported a high prevalence of shoulder and neck pain. This study found that improper sitting positions, as well as physical factors such as the school furniture, too much homework, and difficulty in viewing the classroom board, were associated […]
Hippocampal plasticity underpins long-term cognitive gains from resistance exercise in MCI Progressive resistance exercise leads to long-term cognitive benefits in MCI. •Resistance exercise slows post-training CA1, subiculum and dentate atrophy. •Within-training preservation of PCC predicts long-term hippocampal preservation. •Neuroprotection of AD-vulnerable hippocampal subfields mediate long-term cognition. •Long-term neuroprotection is not mediated by post-training fitness adaptations. […]
What is the incidence of cauda equina syndrome? A systematic review From current studies, it appears that CES occurs infrequently in asymptomatic community populations and in only 19% of those presenting with symptoms. Determining accurate incidence figures and designing a bespoke service for investigation of patients with suspected CES would require a consensus clinical and […]
Development of an Evidence-Based Practical Diagnostic Checklist and Corresponding Clinical Exam for Low Back Pain The available evidence informs reasonable working diagnoses for many conditions causing or contributing to LBP. A practical diagnostic process including an exam and checklist is offered to guide clinical evaluation and demonstrate evidence for working diagnoses in clinical settings. #science […]
Age-related degeneration of the lumbar paravertebral muscles: Systematic review and three-level meta-regression Lumbar paravertebral muscles undergo age-related degeneration in healthy adults with muscle, lumbar level and sex-specific responses. Future studies should use high-resolution imaging modalities to quantify muscle atrophy and fat infiltration. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public […]
Circadian control of the immune system Circadian rhythms, which have long been known to play crucial roles in physiology, are emerging as important regulators of specific immune functions. Circadian oscillations of immune mediators coincide with the activity of the immune system, possibly allowing the host to anticipate and handle microbial threats more efficiently. These oscillations […]
Sleep and inflammation: partners in sickness and in health In this Review, I describe our current understanding of the relationship between sleep dynamics and host defence mechanisms, with a focus on cytokine responses, the neuroendocrine and autonomic pathways that connect sleep with the immune system and the role of inflammatory peptides in the homeostatic regulation […]
The effects of cervical joint manipulation, based on passive motion analysis, on cervical lordosis, forward head posture, and cervical ROM in university students with abnormal posture of the cervical spine. MBPMA can be utilized as an effective method for decreasing FHP and improving cervical lordosis and cervical ROM. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based […]
The impact of anxiety on chronic musculoskeletal pain and the role of astrocyte activation" Pain pressure thresholds and anxiety scores in people with knee OA are highly associated, and anxiety at baseline predicts future knee OA 1 year later. Our clinical data support the investigation of new targets for treating pain in high-anxiety patients with […]
Prevalence of abnormal findings in 230 knees of asymptomatic adults using 3.0 T MRI Nearly all knees of asymptomatic adults showed abnormalities in at least one knee structure on MRI. Meniscal tears, cartilage and bone marrow lesions of the patellofemoral joint were the most common pathological findings. Bucket handle and complex meniscal tears were reported for […]
Special Issue "Rehabilitation for Persistent Pain Across the Lifespan"" The present Special Issue offers a unique opportunity to contribute to a state of the art series on the rehabilitation of chronic pain, including but not limited to the following major areas: musculoskeletal pain, pediatric pain, postsurgical pain, cancer pain, pain in athletes, and neuropathic pain. […]
Development of a Clinical Decision Aid for Chiropractic Management of Common Conditions Causing Low Back Pain in Veterans: Results of a Consensus Process This study group produced a chiropractic clinical decision aid for LBP management, which can be used to support evidence-based care decisions for veterans with LBP. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based […]
Measuring multimorbidity beyond counting diseases: systematic review of community and population studies and guide to index choice 35 multimorbidity indices are available, with differing components and outcomes. Researchers and clinicians should examine existing indices for suitability before creating new ones. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health #spinal […]
Co-occurrence of pain syndromes Visceral pain, headache and musculoskeletal pains (myofascial pain from trigger points, joint pain) can enhance pain and hyperalgesia from fibromyalgia. Myofascial pain from trigger points can perpetuate pain symptoms from visceral pain conditions and trigger migraine attacks when located in the referred pain area from an internal organ or in cervico-facial […]
Effectiveness of Graded Exercise & Graded Exposure for Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Rapid Review Current evidence suggests that GEXP may be more favourable than usual physiotherapy care for reducing disability, catastrophizing and kinesiophobia when managing patients with CNSLBP. However, GA was found to be no better than usual physiotherapy care. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic […]
Association of Exposures to Seated Postures With Immediate Increases in Back Pain: A Systematic Review of Studies With Objectively Measured Sitting Time Prolonged sitting increases immediate reporting of LBP in adults; however, no conclusion between sitting and clinical episodes of LBP can be made. Based upon these findings, we recommend that future prospective studies should […]
Effects of manual therapies on stability in people with musculoskeletal pain: a systematic review Improvement in stability measures were reported in studies comparing manual therapy in the short term, but not long-term follow-up. There was no clear association between significant pain reduction and measures of stability. Further prospective studies are recommended to investigate whether manual […]
Effects of manual therapies on stability in people with musculoskeletal pain: a systematic review Improvement in stability measures were reported in studies comparing manual therapy in the short term, but not long-term follow-up. There was no clear association between significant pain reduction and measures of stability. Further prospective studies are recommended to investigate whether manual […]
Does low back pain or leg pain in gluteus medius syndrome contribute to lumbar degenerative disease and hip osteoarthritis and vice versa? A literature review Accurate diagnosis of gluteus medius syndrome and appropriate treatment could possibly improve lumbar degenerative disease and osteoarthritis of the hip and knee, as well as hip-spine syndrome and failed back […]
Social determinants and non-communicable diseases: time for integrated action Evidence is increasing that, in low income countries, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) will increasingly follow the social gradient seen in middle and high income countriesGlobal evidence suggests that social determinants of health account for a major part of the distribution of disability and mortality from NCDsTo achieve […]
Safety Events and Privilege Utilization Rates in Advanced Practice Physical Therapy Compared to Traditional Primary Care: An Observational Study. These results suggest advanced practice PT has a similar safety profile to primary care. The authority to order musculoskeletal imaging and refer to other clinicians were among the most commonly utilized privileges and may be of […]
Pain-Free Versus Pain-Threshold Rehabilitation Following Acute Hamstring Strain Injury: A Randomized Controlled Trial Pain-threshold rehabilitation did not accelerate RTP clearance, but resulted in greater recovery of isometric knee flexor strength and better maintenance of BFLH fascicle length, compared to pain-free rehabilitation. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health […]
Vertebral Artery Dissection Vertebral artery dissection (VAD) is a rare cause of stroke in the general population; however, represents one of the more common causes of stroke in patients younger than 45 years of age. Its signs and symptoms can be vague, and diagnosis can be elusive. [1][2][3] Spontaneous dissections have been reported. However, incidental […]
Effect of manual approaches with osteopathic modality on brain correlates of interoception: an fMRI study The results revealed that the OMT produced a distinct and specific reduction in BOLD response in specific brain areas related to interoception, i.e., bilateral insula, ACC, left striatum and rMFG. The observed trend across the three time points appears uncharacteristic. […]
Anatomical study and clinical significance of the rami communicantes between cervicothoracic ganglion and brachial plexus Knowledge about the general distribution and individual variations of the rami communicantes between CTG and BP will be useful toward studies involving the inference of sympathetic nerve stimulation of the upper limbs and could be important for surgeons who perform […]
Consequences of physical inactivity in older adults: A systematic review of reviews and meta‐analyses This review of reviews provides a comprehensive and systematic overview of epidemiological evidence from previously conducted research to assess the associations of physical activity with physical and mental health outcomes in older adults. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient […]
Baseline Characteristics May Help Indicate the Best Choice of Health Care Provider for Back Pain Patients in Primary Care: Results From a Prospective Cohort Study. Known prognostic factors related differently to outcomes in the 2 settings, suggesting that some subgroups of patients might benefit more from one setting than the other. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research […]
Professionalism: an ideal to be sustained : The ideal of the professional spans three centuries, originating in the 19th century. During the 20th century, some of the values and obligations of the profession were neglected and serious questions were posed as to whether professionalism constituted a proper basis for the organisation of the delivery of […]
The immediate effect of lumbopelvic manipulation on knee pain, knee position sense and balance in patients with patellofemoral pain: a randomized controlled trial A single session of LPM immediately improved balance control,knee JPS and pain in patients diagnosed with PFP. #science #chiropractor #chiropractic #research #education #evidence based #patient centered #interprofessional #collaborative #rehabilitation #public health #spinal […]

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Research Posts

Updated overview on interplay between physical exercise, neurotrophins, and cognitive function in humans

Effects of open-label placebo on pain, functional disability and spine mobility in chronic back pain patients: a randomized controlled trial.

Differences in Trabecular Bone, Cortical Shell, and Endplate Microstructure Across the Lumbar Spine

Anatomy Review: Ulnar collateral ligament

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