Welcome to the largest chiropractic social learning network dedicated towards bridging the gap from research to practice for evidence (science) based chiropractors. We have over 12k members from all regions of the world. All members must read this unit prior to joining our discussions.
We encourage our members to develop and practice their critical thinking, clinical reasoning and analytical skills. Evidence based chiropractors embrace the biopsychosocial paradigm. We welcoming those who share our values to critically and respectfully and explores issues germane to the #EPIC principles we endorse. These principles include evidence based, patient centered, interdisciplinary, collaborative chiropractic care. We are an international, global group and we respect cultural differences that may come with being such a diverse group of practitioners, students, educators, regulators and scientists across our profession.
To be in compliance with HIPPA, PHIPPA, GDPR and other privacy measures on personal health information, members must ensure there's no patient ID on any images or comments that is posted. We ask you to follow our clinical template when presenting a case study to group. This ensures a good learning experience for all and that the comments are informed. Please be prepared to support all claims with accurate, reliable and verifiable information.
When looking for referrals check the left hand search box first. Plug in the name of the city, street name, postal code, etc and see if there’s already a previous thread.
There have been several discussions on this topic. Please search the left hand search bar in the Facebook group for “EHR” and past discussions will come up. Consider this is an international group and some regulatory boards require EHR software for chiropractors to have servers in their country of origin.
The moderation team must approve any posts. Please include pictures of your item or service.
If you enjoy our content, please feel free to buy us a cup of coffee! We are grateful for your support of science-based spine care.
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